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February 22, 2025
Getting a Few Things Checked Off the List! from Quilty Folk

There's another quilt finished up for the year 2025! It's was super hard to get good pictures of it as the winter light is a little erratic these days. 

Revised is a true blue completion!
This quilt was started in August of 2022, instigated by an Adhoc Improv. challenge. 

No other option but to add a red binding...
I took the prompt, an inspiration photo or two, and ended up with this odd, funky tulip quilt. 

Loving the fan quilting on this one
Really didn't know how to do the hand quilting, so ended up doing freewheeling ...

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February 11, 2025
I'm Still Quilting from Quilty Folk

 I keep running out of time to write up this post. The 'Folksy Tree & Baskets' quilt top is finally finished! All the applique done and dusted.*sigh

Getting the birds stitched down
I am so thrilled about the birds on this quilt! They look very fat and happy.

And a finished quilt top!
It just feels like they make this very brown and blue quilt come alive.

So happy with the scrapped together
background fabric look
When all the birds, berries and leaves on the tree were attached, then I realized that the baskets needed just a little bit extra ...

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January 25, 2025
January Applique Prep from Quilty Folk

Lots of applique projects in the works around here. Oh we are sooo surprised! I've spent quite a bit of time here lately trying to get some of the prep work done. Always a good plan to have the hand work ready for the quieter times.

More words and tulips on quilts!
Above are the outer borders for Peace Always. Not really what I had in mind when starting the project, but I'm sure this will work fine. It's another one of those bright quilts that I'm just not always sure how to react to. Each ...

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November 14, 2024
Always Playing Catch Up! from Quilty Folk

So it's been one thing after another here, like always these days. Our washer broke down and two service calls later, we might as well have bought a new washer. Well, 15 years ago. Now it's half what we paid for the thing 2-3 years ago. But seriously. What are they making anymore? A bucket to rinse our clothes in and if we actually use it, then it breaks down and costs hundreds of dollars?

Almost finished up!
Yeah, yeah. We should have bought the extended warranty but honestly, we just couldn't afford it. So now we ...

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April 9, 2024
All the Applique Projects from Quilty Folk

I'm having trouble making enough time for quilting these days. I so thought that I'd be back on track and plowing through all the many ideas percolating! Nope. Just having one of those years. Mainly,  I'm trying to quit pushing and just go with the flow, slow though it is.

A little basket border
I've got several applique projects all prepped and ready to go, though there hasn't been any stitching on that lately. First off, is the baskets for Peace Always. No forward progress since last September! The next border will be a little ...

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